Media Talk: Turning a print profit no easy feat

Media Talk: Turning a print profit no easy feat

"By the time newspapers are published, most people already know the what, who, where and when. Print will concentrate on explaining the why, and the what next. Still, for all the ink spilled about the salvation of journalism, no one has yet found it. The competition for the reader's dollar and their attention is only getting tougher. As a News Corp executive said of its tablet-only US paper, The Daily, its competition comes not just from other news providers, but also from Angry Birds - the smartphone game in which you catapult angry birds to destroy round pigs. Including Angry Birds in a digital newspaper is not so far-fetched; crosswords have boosted sales for decades." 
- Tim Dick, 'Stop press: world still hungry for news', The Sydney Morning Herald Weekend Edition, May 21-22, 2011.


Camilla Peffer said...

I will always have a soft spot for print. I love the in depth analysis, the glossy pages of a beautifully styled and photographed fashion shoot (which I can then butcher with scissors and past on my walls), and the much awaited arrival of my magazine subscriptions every month. One of my university lecturers recently expressed his shock at my generation's attachment to the printed word. I love blogs and their immediacy, but I will always adore the care and effort poured into print productions.