Media Talk: Dotcom dominance

Media Talk: Dotcom dominance

"These days we ''google'' when we need to find something online. Its very ubiquitousness means few question the Google search process. ''Don't be evil'' had been Google's conduct code. ''We believe strongly that in the long term, we will be better served - as shareholders and in all other ways - by a company that does good things for the world even if we forgo some short-term gains,'' the Google prospectus said. Commercial imperative, however, came to the fore when Brin and Page decided to include advertisements in their business model - even though they had written a paper in 1998 at Stanford arguing against the advertising-based search engine model. And Google is not the only dominant player. Last week Apple pushed Google out of the world's number one brand position. If there is a dominant technology concern, Apple is it - at least for now."
- Kate Askew, 'Internet Gains, False Prophets', The Sydney Morning Herald, May 21-22, 2011