Thinkings: Tina Arena on reality TV

Thinkings: Tina Arena on reality TV

 "I've thought about it and whilst I think there's a beauty in seeing people get up and sing and discovering some incredible voices, which we have been privileged to discover through reality TV... the Susan Boyles... I mean, Susan Boyle was extraordinary. Regardless of what people think of her – and the way that she has been portrayed in the media is incredibly tragic, and you're dealing with a woman who is mentally unstable. 

However, putting that aside, having seen her on TV and having heard the wonderful dulcet tones that came out, you sort of went, 'Wow, how amazing is that?!', and it was raw. So what we got to see through the reality TV, and I guess the one beautiful thing about it, is the rawness that we've been able to see. That element I've loved about it. What I haven't loved about it, and what I have found a bit perverse and a bit sick, is the exploitation of those people, and the fact that those people think, very genuinely, that once they've been in the business for 10 minutes that they can continue to have a career in it."  

- Tina Arena, singer/judge and mentor for Young Talent Time, who is touring with the Queensland Symphony, on 96.5 radio.