The Gonski report on education, Kevin Rudd's ranting and raving, a possible federal leadership challenge, a Queensland election campaign officially in full swing (Team Bligh or Team Newman?)... it's a treat of a start to a week in news media, so I was relieved to have spent the weekend in an abode that can only be described as the ultimate country retreat.
Let's catch up: House-sitting for a couple of dear friends, my husband and I are in our element in our country cottage; one featuring fluffy towels, shabby-chic furniture, a beautifully functional kitchen and an abundance of vintage books and nooks and crannies to investigate. There's even a neat little shelter for our two dogs! I am tickled pink and feeling very spoiled. It's a wonderful, generous thing to be able to bestow on friends a place to rest that you have invested your heart and soul into, much more to leave a little note saying, "Feel free to explore! We hope you feel refreshed after your stay", in addition to a bottle of wine and six-pack of beer and (squeal) a gift voucher for the local IGA. As an added treat, a big storm rolled over the house yesterday afternoon (it was soothing to the soul).
This week's agenda: I am tempted to take the entire week off and immerse myself in Anne's impressive collection of books, read under the cover of a tree on a swing, no less, and DVDs, which include The Complete Black Books collection, Roman Holiday, Pride & Prejudice, and Fern Gully! Unfortunately, there is a backlog of emails to catch up on. Sigh.
The Word for the Week: "Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me show love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy." - Prayer of Saint Francis (custodian of my confirmation name), at the entrance to my current place of rest.
Quote for the Week: "There can be miracles, when you believe; Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill." - Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston, "When You Believe" word for the week: lucent \LOO-suhnt\, adjective:
1. Shining.
2. Translucent; clear.
"As the afternoon storm rolled in, its turbulent, rolling clouds cast a lucent light over the country house that darkened its stony features and made the pleasure of seeking respite within all the more alluring."
Reading: The features at the new Fairfax Women's Network site, Your Daily Life.
Girl With a Satchel
Hah! No wonder I haven't seen you at the coffee shop of late. Who would want to drag themselves away from such a lovely place?! What generous people...and what a caring God.
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