What does that mean for GWAS? She will still be here, and will probably benefit from the added necessity to plan/schedule ahead (though please bear with me as I get a handle on JUSTB and its Wordpress platform). Of course, any new gig is fraught with performance anxiety and what-will-they-think-of-me? and is-this-a-God-thing-or-is-it-me? but I'm just so grateful to have some new friends to play with that all those seedlings of doubt simply will not be given permission to sprout (okay, they were sprayed with Roundup yesterday). Speaking of roundup, my first post at JUSTB is a roundup of current newsy events.
This week's agenda: Five fresh new posts for JUSTB, updating GWAS more frequently. Alas, my duties at QUT this semester have come to a close... almost – the girls put their Frock Paper Scissors magazine to bed yesterday. Proud as punch. That's the two editors, Madison and Meaghan, looking at the book in its final stages in the piccie.
The Word for the Week: "Now go home and have a feast. Share your food and wine with those who haven't enough. Today is holy to our Lord, so don't be sad. The joy that the Lord gives you will make you strong." Nehemiah 8: 10
Quote of the Week: "Sometimes the magic and the art of creation gets forgotten in the rush to find the next big thing.” - Camilla Morton, author, Manolo Blahnik and the Tale of The Elves & The Shoemaker speaking to Fashionista.
Dictionary.com word of the week:prehensible \pri-HEN-suh-buhl\, adjective: Able to be seized or grasped.
"Oftentimes we get so bogged down in theology that the prehensible basics of the Gospel – by the grace of God, you are saved, you are loved, you are free – that attracted us first become but a distant memory. How sad, indeed. 'Become like little children,' said Jesus, not for no good reason."
Reading: The 2011 Best Illustrated Children's Books @ The New York Times and all the media pages in the papers.
The breakfast club: I have such a hankering for Tana Cafe's bircher and honey!
Girl With a Satchel
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