"Snow dome collector, creative peep, business owner, collaborator, TV presenter and as my dad says 'The Bradman of Organising'". So reads one-time theatrical agent Lisanne Oliver's email signature.
At 43 and newly married, Oliver is still adorable and still riding high on the success of her 2007 book SORTED! The Ultimate Guide to Organising Your Life.
"It's actually a bestseller and has been translated into four languages," she says. "The loveliest thing is to receive emails from peeps saying how much it's helped them. What a joy! Or when people say, 'Dear Lissanne, I feel like you've written this book just for me', or, 'I feel like you took me by the hand and showed me how it was all going to be okay'."
After rising early (she doesn't use an alarm, but her body clock) and making a pot of tea with a cosy on top before jumping online to read the paper with her cat in her lap, Oliver's daily life involves sorting through paperwork and clutter and setting up systems for her clientele.
"I love the problem solving and creativity," she says. "It's a real privilege to be allowed into the privacy of someone's home or office. Right now, I have a lot of clients I haven't seen for four or five years calling up for some more work saying, 'The work we did back then made such a difference, I'm ready for more!'"
This Saturday, Oliver will be joining two of her international colleagues – Chantale Bordonaro of SimplicitySource.com and Joshua Zerkel of CustomLivingSolutions.com – in Sydney presenting a workshop called 6 Steps to Your Organised Life, to be followed by the same workshop in Melbourne the following weekend.

Those interested in attending the workshops can sign up today and receive a discount. But for the rest of us, Oliver – who intends to enter Apartment Therapy's colour contest ("I think my space is almost Apartment Therapy worthy!" – has some critical advice for getting into the silly season swing of things.
"Start now! Start now! Start now! Get organised NOW! Don't wait! Get your cards started, make your list for shopping, purchase non perishable foods, etc. Those who suffer – and are run ragged – leave it all to the last minute. Even putting away a bit o' cash now will help you finanicially rather than having it all come out of one pay packet."
Girl With a Satchel
I am a complete organising nerd, so I love this. Going to check out the workshop details now :)
...and thinking about getting started for my Christmas shopping!
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