Headed by Melina Cruikshank, Fairfax Women's Network includes Essential Baby, Essential Kids, Life & Style, The Vine, Cuisine, RSVP, Stayz and Find a Babysitter, with its combined audience of 2.75 million women, in addition to the 675,000 readers Sunday Life attracts each week.
"We wanted to tell advertisers that Fairfax is not just about the AB male," said Cruikshank, who hinted a new launch is on the horizon come summer. "We have got women from 20 through to 50, and all our research shows that while they are going off to other social networks as well, they are coming back because they trust Fairfax websites." (Source: Fairfax)
What's to become of the next generation of female media consumers if they don't get the right messages now? Dr. Amy Slater has launched the next stage in her Growing Up Too Quickly: Body objectification in adolescent and pre-adolescent girls (teens and tweens) study, an online survey called Raising Girls in a Modern World. The questionnaire takes 10-15 minutes to complete. (Read a GWAS Q&A with Dr Slater here).
Meanwhile, GWAS has been given some homepage space at The Hoopla today, which links through to a Q&A in which she reveals that she has very little business acumen, nor HTML skills, and a contemptible disregard for her bank account. She should probably see someone about that.

Girl With a Satchel
I had noticed that Fairfax's magazines had been getting more feminine and feminist in form and content in the past 6 months or so.
(especially Sunday Life, where Rachel Hills and Clem Bastow were in there a lot; and M).
And this was not even taking into account the web-driven material.
Will have a look at The Hoopla link.
I love the interview you did with Hoopla. Very sound advice!
The Flinders study is soooo gonna get a Tumblred by me (is that even a word?). Today when fashion blogs and Tumblr are the teen girls' bible, we need media literacy more than ever.
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