Short & Sweet - week beginning 13 August, 2012

Our destination over the weekend was Chinchilla, where the cotton-pickers reside, and Dalby, where our loved ones live. Husband had been invited to speak at a Chinchillian church youth event, where we met an amazing and energetic young band, and I delighted in my niece and attended church in Dalby, where the preacher spoke of community in reference to First Corinthians: Paul's gracious appeal to a people with problems to keep Christ at the centre of their thinking and doing.  

How easy it is to be waylaid: to find oneself straying off the path saying, 'I'm doing okay, perhaps I don't need Christ so much today', only to find that you did, indeed, need Christ because you are terribly human and therefore prone to making mistakes and needing his grace. On this, I will endeavour to elaborate soon.

When we returned home, husband and I enjoyed a dinner of pasta on the floor, accompanied by a little glass of red and some nice music. The undivided, simple, quiet life, where the value of what we do on any given day is measured according to the goodness they create for those nearest and dearest to us, is becoming increasingly meaningful to me. From that, it's only natural that the values will permeate father afield... into one's work and community. "Charity starts at home," as my mother says.

The Word for the Week: "If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned." - Jesus, John 15:6 (Yikes!)
Quote for the Week: "We don't have any interesting people in Australian politics." Barry Humphries (not entirely true) word for the week: pillory \PIL-uh-ree\, verb:
1. To expose to public derision, ridicule, or abuse.
2. To set in the pillory.
"As the Brisbane Ekka show gets underway, its mix of agriculture displays, equestrian shows and rides drawing in people from across the state who get a day off work, Premier Campbell Newman is being pilloried by the Queensland press for his unmerciful approach to public service job cuts. Hold onto your hats."

Girl With a Satchel