Political Inklings: Craig Emerson, a humble truth

Political Inklings: Craig Emerson, a humble truth

"I was consigned to the back bench for two years, took the opportunity of writing a book – you can get it now, I'll sign it for one buck, there you go Vital Signs, Vibrant Society... There's a lot of work that can be done, and as my colleagues have said, being a member of parliament, of the 150 members of parliament itself, is an honour and a privilege, but of course people will always have ambition and that's legitimate... There are different ways of utilising your abilities and your talents – writing books is one, representing Australia in the great debates that need to be had both here and overseas is another, and representing your electorate... Probably the most satisfying work that I do, Barry, is when you actually help a family or someone in your own electorate get associated with and responsible for decisions to build a homeless centre, for example. That's a marvellous thing that happened in my electorate, and there's nothing of which I'm more proud than that." 
- Trade Minister Craig Emerson on Insiders last night.

Girl With a Satchel