Warning: this blog post contains unashamed use of sycophancy.
Because this issue of Glamour is pure magazine magic. And not just because I'm featured on page 198. Though that does help the cause (see point #10).Leaving aside Rihanna's
revelations about becoming the unwitting poster girl for domestic violence, Michelle Obama's sound
dating advice, five assorted covers (ooh, it's like Christmas!) and the annual
Women of the Year love-fest, all which have garnered the mag the most media attention, there are plenty of other highlights to celebrate, ultimately culminating in a fantastic finale issue for 2009.
Jezebel has taken the glossy to task for tokenism, the virtual impossibility of living up to its body diversity promise and sex article abstinence in the presence of the demure Mrs. Obama, I once again felt myself
high-fiving editor Cindi Leive for producing a very excellent magazine. But since I couldn't contain my excitement within five points, I've extended the virtual applause over a more festive and highly visual 12....
1. Miranda Kerr with a teddy bear in 'It's your day off. Dress Like it!, eight gorgeous pages of Kerrness...
2. Woman of the Year Amy Poehler in a prom frock. Applause, indeed...
3. Liz Smith, thank you for the hilarity of your A-list advice...
4. Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi starring in the food-porny ''Eat! Drink! Enjoy!', six pages of recipes and tips for keeping on the trim side when your plate's full...
5. The world needs more Hilary Duffs. Enough said.
6. Investigative journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling who were arrested while reporting on human trafficking in North Korea being celebrated for their work...
7. Travel epiphanies are not just unique to Elizabeth Gilbert. See 'The Trip That Changed My Life'.
8. Festive altruism, Glamour-style, includes "Help get PJs to kids in shelters so they won't have to sleep in their clothes by giving just $10 at pajamaprogram.org."
9. I have an enduring girl crush on Jemma Kidd thanks to my stint as a beauty ed...
10. I also have a huge girl crush on actress Rashida Jones and am absolutely gobsmacked to be sharing this page space with her...
11. Stella, Stella...!
12. Goldie Hawn, Tori Amos, Jane Goodall, and five incredible women changing the world... almost too much female awesomeness in one page!
... and a partridge in a pear tree!Yours truly,
Girl With a Satchel
michelle obama gives dating advice? i'd like to see that!
I know this probably seems like a contradiction given that i read your blog, but I haven't bough a proper glossy in a very long time. The tiredness often just makes me sad... but this... WOW. I think you've convinced me that it will actually be worth both the money and the time out to read.
A great selction of different faces and stories - how refreshing!
Congratulations Erica! That is incredibly exciting! You're definitely going places :)
Ive never read Glamour in my life, but I'm buying this issue.
Congrats Erica! Well deserved : )
Erica! Congrats!! What's your secret? I've been pitching Glamour for 2 years with no luck! :)
I'm still reading my Glamour mag, but I got to your blog from reading it. I just wanna say I think your blog is a breath of fresh air. Keep up the good work!
This issue is absolutely a must-have! And by the way, your blog is absolutely wonderful! :)
I picked up this latest issue of Glamour based solely on your recommendation in this post. I used to subscribe but thought that got way too fluffy in their revamp a year or two ago. I'm happy to see them return to their earnest mix of politics, health coverage, and glossy fun.
And it was so exciting to see you featured!
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