Bulletin Board: Swap frocks, small change
Swapper, The Clothing Exchange |
The Clothes Swap came back into vogue a few years ago on the back of the sustainability movement, spawning many pop-up-shop-style events around the place. A way to update one's wardrobe without outlaying significant amounts of cash and/or to raise charity funds, too, they appease the consumerist and eco-conscience all at once while also creating safe-havens for women to gather and share their stories and wares without hideous change-room lights and mirrors (you can leave your shame at the door and self-esteem and credit card intact!). There are three swaps for your immediate attention...
Melbourne-based fashion collective The Clothing Exchange is partnering with Red Cross to host a
National Swap Day across Australia on October 17 (that's Monday!). The events will be hosted in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra, with thread-lovers in regional areas also being encouraged to host their own swaps. Swappers are encouraged to bring six garments or accessories to swap in return for six buttons – they can then peruse the clothes racks for clothes of their choice in exchange for these buttons. The Melbourne swap will be happening at 6:30pm at The BMW Edge, Federation Square, Melbourne. Go to
PlanBig.com.au to view all the details.
The Creative Industries precinct at QUT, Brisbane, together with
The Stitchery Collective, will host a
Clothing Exchange & Sustainability Evening on Tuesday October 18 (tagline: "It's just a little give and take"; ethos: "Give and you shall receive!"). Located at The Glasshouse, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, it will run from 5pm to 8pm with no monies exhanged. You are to bring five garments to trade from 10am, for which you will be able to procure something new. For more information and to see a video of last year's event, please see the
Facebook page.
And, lastly,
GWAS is hosting a Swap Event, too! Taking place in "The Barn" on Mount Tamborine on Saturday October 22, it will raise money through an entry fee and charity auction, for pressing community needs as we come into Christmastime – the most wonderful time of the year for many, but very challenging for some.
So if you are a product manager, book publicist, beauty PR or generally ace person with access to surplus loot that might fetch a decent price, please email
hello@girlwithasatchel.com for a mailing address and details (gosh, I'd love to hear from you). Should you be able to provide some item for the cause, you will receive a rapturous blog applause and good tidings as we come into the most wonderful time of the year. Hurrah! A full report to come.
Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom. Sell all your belongings and give the money to the poor. Provide for yourself purses that don't wear out, and save your riches in heaven, where they will never decrease, because no thief can get to them, and no moth can destroy them. For your heart will always be where your riches are."
- Jesus (Luke 12: 32-24)
Girl With a Satchel