As I'd hoped, the gorgeous Mia Freedman took home the blogger's Fun, Fearless Female gong, but there was still much excitement for this girl with a satchel (or, rather, Mimco purse) – least not the opportunity to frock up and take Husband

9am: Update blog and hit the shops. Husband needs a new shirt and his suit needs to be emergency dry-cleaned. I am running on zero sleep after doing most of the driving down from the Gold Coast. Cranky pants. Assistant in David Jones fits Husband's shirt. Husband decides the occasion also necessitates new underwear (what a girl!). Buy him Bonds, then entertain him by introducing him to the concept of control underwear in the women's lingerie department. Oh, the hilarity!
11am: Drop husband back at Northern Beaches HQs (i.e. my dad's place) and head into Kirribilli for coffee and chats with Julie Parker from The Butterfly Foundation. She is just lovely. We talk about body image, eating disorders and our shared passion to help girls avoid going down the beaten track of self destruction. Me = cautionary tale. Julie = guardian angel.
1.30pm: Back to shops to secure self new underwear and shoes without Husband restricting activities. Spot a gorgeous pair of Guess? heels in David Jones but God tells me to go to Witchery where I find the snakeskin stilettos I've been eyeing off for ages are on SALE! Thank you, God. Buy a

3pm: Go to pick up Husband's suit from drycleaner. It's not ready. Frig! Have a hair appointment in 15 minutes and will not make it. Phone hairdresser.
3.05pm: Suit still not ready.
3.10pm: Still not ready.
3.20pm: Pick up suit, trying to be gracious in face of time constraints. Head to hairdresser.
3.40pm: Have the BEST head massage EVER at Tranquility Hair, Narrabeen (I paid my own way!). Hair is blow-dried and put in rollers. I look very GOLD COAST. How did my hair get so blonde and BIG? Get home and pat it down. Dolly Parton is not the look I envisaged.
5pm: Get home. Require food and sleep. Have little time for either. Stuff face with cheese,

6.30pm: Mia sends mad text message: "Check your emails". Has someone died? Today Tonight are looking for someone to talk about mags. I know mags! Whee!
6.50pm: Arrive at the Art Gallery of NSW, 10 minutes early! Nasty parking inspector says our metre has expired. Durr, we just got here! Feed metre, send a couple of texts.
7pm: Husband and I stroll down pink carpet.

7.30pm: Canapes! Yum! Gimme, gimme. Run into a few familiar faces – Julie Parker is here with Danni Watts, also of The Butterfly Foundation. Helen Lee of SassyBella is also here and holding up well considering she just got back from a fashion junket in New Zealand. Nice to see bloggers finally going places... did I tell you I'm off to Singapore soon?
8pm: Seated at a table along with Biore PR manager (they are the major sponsor), Becky Cooper and Bridget Yorston of Bec & Bridge and their beaus, and Leigh Mathews of Future Cambodia Fund and her partner. Talking to Leigh, I feel inferior. I blog, she helps kids in Cambodia. Resolve to start committing more time to community activities/giving back.
8.15pm: Brian McFadden is funny by virtue of his Irish heritage. Very naughty MC who is not shy about using expletives. At the head table are Kerrie-Anne, Charlotte Dawson, Sarah Murdoch and other VIPs. Table behind them seats Cosmo editor Bronwyn McCahon (amazing black cut-out frock), Mia Freedman, Kate Richie and Zoe Foster. Next to our table are Jessica Mauboy and Home and Away's Esther Anderson (who is so stunning I can't stop staring).
First categories are announced in quick succession so we can all eat dinner (I had the

I loved Kate Ritchie's speech, in which she said that being fun and fearless is only possible if you're in the right environment to do so, therefore, we chicks should be more supportive of each other and less critical. Touche! And also props to Cosmo for awarding the overall Fun, Fearless Female Woman of the Year award to Dr Tu’uhevaha Kaitu’u-Lino, who, at just 27, is a mum (with another on the way), and has dedicated her career to researching debilitating vaginal bleeding with Monash Institute of Medical Research. She's the first non-celebrity to win the award and was beside herself to be recognised in a public forum for her work, as she hopes to inspire other young women to consider careers in science.
11pm: After having our goodie bag stuffed with Biore product, chatting blogging, books and marriage with Mia and Zoe (Foster), and making a tool of myself speaking to Hamish Blake (Me: "Say something funny!"; Him: "No."), Husband and I made tracks. Returned to car to find lovely fine care of parking inspector. Too tired to take photographic evidence supporting our innocence. Driving away, we're told by a taxi driver we have a flat tire. Thankful to have husband who can actually change a flat in five minutes.
The verdict: The awards left me

Pics: Kerrie-Anne; new shoes!; Yours Truly, Zoe Foster and Mia Freedman; Mia Freedman, Bronwyn McCahon and Yours Truly; Ed and Bridget Yorston with Husband and moi; Jessica Mauboy shaking her booty.
Yours truly,
Girl With a Satchel